My interview with Dean Wade’s parents, Jay and Trish Wade
Question: Tell us about St. John and where Dean grew up?
"“St John is a town of about 1200 people located in about the middle of the Kansas. We don’t have any stoplights or fast-food chains (contrary to what some sports announcers have said). It’s an agricultural community with decent, hardworking people.”"
Question: Has Dean sought the spotlight or is he comfortable in a supporting role? He seems to be thriving as the latter right now.
"“I don’t think he’s ever sought the spotlight. Winning games and team-first have always been the most important. I was kind of hammering him after one of his college games, why he wasn’t doing this or that, and his response was “we won.”’"
Question: When did you first think Dean could really be a professional basketball player?
"“I thought he may have a chance to play professionally after he got to college. Wasn’t sure if it was going to be in the NBA, but somewhere. We saw other players that he competed against and with, that were playing professionally, whether it was the NBA or overseas. I thought if he continued to get stronger and develop that he’d have a chance.”"
Question: What’s it like having your son play in the NBA?
"“It’s pretty surreal that he’s in the NBA. Being in a very exclusive club of 450-510 people is a great honor.”"
Question: Could you ever have imagined Dean playing in the NBA when he was a youngster?
"“Dean told me (Trish) when he was 8 years old that he was going to be a professional basketball player when he grew up and I said (as every Mom would say), “I know you will bud, just keep working hard and you can do anything you set your mind to!”‘"
Question: Any stories of Dean as a kid when he started playing hoops that you knew he was going to be a special player?
"“We moved to St. John when Dean was in the second grade, and I (Trish) signed him up to do basketball camp (HE DID NOT WANT TO GO!). I always wanted the kids to try things before they decided whether they liked them or not! I had to pull him out of the car kicking and screaming, gave him a little swat and walked him into the gym to MAKE HIM participate in camp! Also, he enjoyed camp! When he was in fifth grade, he was the manager for his junior high team – the coach would put Dean in to play against the JH boys and surprisingly he held his own, really enjoyed playing and improved over the years. I thought he had all the qualities of being a solid basketball player!”"
Question: What has been Dean’s key to his success in his career?
"“I think his success has come from a good work ethic and overcoming adversity. He works hard and has had to deal with injuries in college, that made him realize that you play hard at all times. He’s also benefited from good coaching at all levels.”"
Question: Who does Dean look up to as a role model in basketball?
"“He’s always liked Dirk Nowitzki. I think he’s a better defender than Dirk was, but he’s a true stretch big guy. I think he appreciates Kevin Love’s game/career too.”"
Question: How did Dean get his start with the Cavs?
"“So, he worked out for the Cavs, along with 10 or so other teams, before the draft. He didn’t get drafted, but Cleveland was on the phone with his people, and they offered him a 2-way contract immediately after the draft. There were other teams interested too, but we thought Cleveland would be a good fit. They were going through a rebuild and he thought that was something he wanted to be involved with.”"
Question: Have you been to Cleveland to see Dean play?
"“We’ve been to a few games in Cleveland. Would like to go to more, but COVID limited the amount we could go to last year. I like Cleveland. There seems to be a lot to do and see. But I’ve only been there in the winter months, so looking forward to getting there when it’s a little warmer when you could enjoy the lake and outside.”"
Question: Does Dean visit Kansas and St. John?
"“He comes back during the offseason, not nearly as often as we’d like, but he gets back for a while. He likes to fish and hunt, so when he does come back those are the things he does.”"
Question: Do the Cavs have a chance at the playoffs this year?
"“I think they have a good chance to make the playoffs. They have had the hardest schedule in the league up to this point, and have done pretty well. I think if they keep playing with the team-first attitude and avoid any more injuries, they have a good shot.”"
Question: How do you watch the games from Kansas?
"“We watch most of the games on NBA League Pass. We get blacked out when they play the Timberwolves, Thunder, and Nuggets. Not sure why they do that with the Timberwolves, but I guess they figure those are the closest to here. (713 miles)”"
After interviewing Wade’s parents and getting their feedback on their talented youngster that they helped guide, I couldn’t help but think of all the countless families and parents that have pushed their kids toward reaching a lofty goal like the NBA only to fail in the end.
I’ve had the chance to coach countless kids too in the junior and senior high levels of basketball and that realization that they aren’t going to play past high school for most can be hard for the kids to accept as they get older but even more so for the parents. I applaud all the players and their families that have made it to the highest levels of play. It is a grueling endeavor but very rewarding in the end.