Pulling a LeBron

Over the years we’ve seen many professional athletes become trendsetters. From Jordan’s sneakers to Barry Bond’s steroid use, athletes are responsible for many of the popular (and some not so popular) trends that we see today.

Since LeBron James has entered the league, he’s become one of the most popular trendsetters in professional sports. Whether it’s his WITNESS clothing line or his pattented chalk toss, LeBron James has taken the world by storm.

LeBron’s newest trend has become quite popular recently, especially among a few professional athletes.

For the past couple of months the biggest story in sports has been the ever changing story of LeBron James and his expiring contract in 2010. This story changes everytime LeBron is asked about his contract and where he will end up in 2010. The story of LeBron James and the summer of 2010 keeps teetering between staying or leaving.

James’ recent undecisiveness has lead to the creation of a little thing I like to call “Pulling a LeBron” and has become quite popular among a number of professional athletes (while being quite unpopular among their fans).


Minnesota Vikings Quarterback, Brett Favre, was the first to “Pull a LeBron”when he decided to come out of retirement to sign with the Vikes after officially retiring three weeks prior. Recently, Favre has given the King a run for his money when he pulled his latest “LeBron” after he told reports that he “may not finish the year” during a press conference which sent Viking fans into an outrage.

It was only a month ago when Philadelphia Eagles fans became outraged after the Eagles agreed to a one year contract with NFL Quarterback and ex-con, Michael Vick. Despite the protests by Eagles fans weeks earlier, Philly fans “pulled a LeBron” of their own when they cheered on Vick during his Eagles preseason debut against the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Ricky Rubio, this kid has taken “pulling a LeBron” to a whole other level after he was drafted 5th overall in the 2009 NBA draft by the Minnesota Timberwolves. After being selected in this years NBA Draft, Minnesota had an agreement to buy out Rubio’s contract from his former Spanish team, DKV Jovenut.

Rubio however, decided to back out of the deal indicating that he was not ready to join the NBA. Weeks later DKV Jovenut traded Rubio to FC Barcelona and Rubio signed a six-year contract the following day, sending Timberwolves fans into a frenzy.

(I feel for ya Minnesota fans, I really do).

King James’ newest trend is growing by the day and sports fans will continue to be annoyed by “LeBron’s” throughout the year, so keep an eye out for the newest “LeBron” coming to a team near you.